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Kahler tremolo systems, when setup properly, are notorious for staying in tune no matter how you abuse them.

But heavy tremolo use and carpet bombing techniques can eventually wear down even the best metals. That is why old faithful may not be so faithful anymore. It’s called metal "fatigue" or as it's known in the industry... "creep". That’s why some tuning problems crop up, but not all are age related. Many have to do with improper setups.... 

Below are some common reasons you may be experiencing tuning issues: 

You are using Ernie Ball slinky strings. Yes they cost less but they are not tremolo strings. These strings get so many complaints of Flat/Sharp tuning issues i have to say something. DO NOT USE THEM. Remember tremolo strings take a lot of abuse. The key word here is "TREMOLO STRINGS". Tremolo or reinforced strings have better build quality, pliability and response than others strings made for fixed bridges. They usually cost more too. Look at your string pack and see if it says " TREMOLO STRINGS" or "REINFORCED" Not all strings are meant for tremolos. And at the same time.., not all good tremolo strings will say " TREMOLO STRINGS" or "REINFORCED" on them either. Here is a short list of the strings I personally recommend for Kahler's: Roto Sound, Elixir, DR, SIT, and GHS Boomers. I am sure there are other brands out there I am unfamiliar with, so if you find a set that holds up well and you would recommend, please let me know. I feel it is worth the mention. 

Metal fatigued return springs. How can you expect your tremolo to spring back to attention if its got weak return springs? Springs are the least thought about, neglected parts, yet the most important part your tremolo needs to be its best. Replace them consistently every 3-5 years. The normal tension return springs are #8412 and the heavy tension springs are #8413. The Fulcrum normal tension springs are #8414. Also you want to check to make sure the spring mounting screws #8392 are snug and tight. If they slip it won't return to center. When the saddles are set too high or the rollers are dirty, you wont be able to stay in tune properly.

Symptom: when you pull back and return, your strings go flat. Consequently when you dive bomb, your strings come back sharp. It is very frustrating. This is a dragging issue. Something is dragging. If the rollers don't spin freely when spun by hand they need cleaning. However if this is a new bridge or tremolo install, then you should mainly look at the roller height for the problem. See Video. The little Allen behind the roller is a saddle height adjuster. It is used to adjust your radius NOT the saddle height. In retrospect they should be called "radius adjusters". Many times they are used improperly to adjust the string height to accommodate lower/higher fret board actions. This is wrong! To understand all this simply.. just remember this: The stronger the string bend is over the roller because of the saddle height, the more weight that is exponentially applied to the axle pin of the roller, thus causing drag. Drag times six strings worth. All Kahler tremolos and fixed bridges are designed to work when the saddles are at the lowest position (about 9:15 to 9:30 o'clock) but yet high enough to not cause buzzing from the string being to loose over the top of the string rollers. If your tremolo does not return to center ONLY after a pull up on the arm, then you might want to inspect the string lock to make sure one or more strings are slipping through the clamp plate. The strings eventually create a worn out channel in the clamp plate. If this happens it will change the tension over the entire CAM and it wont center out correctly. Inspect them and replace if necessary. This problem is most noticeable on string bends and then you have to dive all the way to return it to pitch. Also the nut must be fluted and lubricated with graphite. This prevents the string winding from chinking back and forth over the nut during tremolo operation and creates a smooth slippery slot for the string to slide on. Graphite nuts work great but still lube them. Another good idea is to put a 45 degree bend in the wrapped winding next to the ball end. This prevents the string from spinning in the string hook, and re-seating due to string slack during deep dives.


All strings return flat after pull up and/or sharp after dive.
This is a global issue caused by dragging preventing the CAM from coming back to zero or you are using Ernie Ball strings. 
Cavity not deep enough. CAM rubbing on cavity sidewalls. CAM interferes with ground wire. Stringlock or locknut is not gripping strings tight enough. Rollers too high? Rollers are dirty and wont spin. Springs are over 3 years old?
Route the cavity 1 inch deep. Re-align tremolo on guitar so CAM does not rub sides. Re-adjust the ground wire and fasten it if necessary. Check for locking device on neck for wear, replace if necessary. Lower string rollers to help stability. Disassemble, clean thoroughly and reassemble the string rollers if dirty. Change the springs if over 3 years old. Change your strings to a set recommended for Kahlers. Do not use Ernie Balls.
G String goes flat after string bend.
This is a singular string path issue. This has to do with the type strings you use and/or the locking mechanism on the neck.
The "2 string per clamp plate" string locks and locknuts and/or the knots that tie the G string around the ball end can both be the culprit. 
Turn the clamping screw on the necks locking device, tighter. Use Reinforced or Tremolo strings only.
Strings will not stay in tune anymore. 
This is a global issue.
Strings are old. Springs are fatigued. Tremolo/bridge string rollers are dirty.
Get new springs today. #8412 or #8413 for Bass. Change your strings, Get tremolo strings. Clean rollers. A Kahler is like a gun, keep it clean and it will never fail you.
There is a clicking or clinking sound when I do a string bend and the string comes back flat or sharp.
This is a singular string path issue.
It can be a string making a noise as it scrapes across a nut or thru a locking device that is not tight enough.
Flute the in and out of each string slot and lubricate the nut slots. You can also get a Graph-Tech Black Tusq XL, Teflon nut.

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